Jetty stands as a prominent, feature-rich Java component that offers asynchronous, enterprise-scalable solutions for web developers. Designed with standards compliance in mind, Jetty provides an embeddable web server and servlet container, making it an ideal choice for modern Java applications. This tutorial aims to deliver swift guidance on obtaining, setting up, and launching Jetty version 6.1.25.

Preparing for Jetty Installation

Before diving into the installation process, ensure that your development environment meets the necessary prerequisites for Jetty. This entails having a compatible Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system, as Jetty operates within the Java runtime environment.

Steps to Download Jetty

Jetty is available for download from both the Codehaus and Eclipse platforms. The latest stable release, version 6.1.25, can be acquired through the following official sources:

The downloadable package is platform-independent, ensuring compatibility across both Windows and Linux operating systems.

Unpacking and Understanding Jetty’s Directory Structure

After downloading the file, proceed to unpack it to reveal Jetty’s directory structure, which includes:

  • bin: Contains utility scripts and executables for Jetty operation;
  • contexts: Deployment directory for context descriptors;
  • lib: Houses the necessary libraries;
  • webapps: A directory for deploying standard web applications;
  • start.jar: The executable jar file to start Jetty.

Initiating Jetty

To launch Jetty, navigate to the bin directory. For a graphical interface initiation, double-click Jetty-Service.exe. Alternatively, for versions without the executable, use the command java -jar start.jar in your terminal to install and start Jetty.

Verifying Jetty Installation

Confirm the successful installation of Jetty by accessing http://localhost:8080/ in your web browser. A successful setup will display Jetty’s default homepage or a specific project page if you have already deployed a web application to Jetty.

If you encounter any issues during this verification process, ensure that Jetty is properly started and that there are no conflicts on port 8080. For detailed guidance on downloading, installing, and troubleshooting Jetty, including starting the server and deploying applications. This resource can provide additional support and information to ensure your Jetty server is set up correctly and ready to support your web application development and deployment efforts.

Code Example: Starting Jetty from a Custom Java Application

import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;import org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext;
public class StartJetty {    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {        // Create a basic jetty server object without declaring the port.        Server server = new Server(8080); // 8080 is the port that Jetty will listen on.
        // Create a WebAppContext for the created content.        WebAppContext ctx = new WebAppContext();        ctx.setResourceBase(“webapps”);        ctx.setContextPath(“/myapp”);
        // Declare the server context.        server.setHandler(ctx);
        // Start the server.        server.start();        System.out.println(“Jetty server started on port 8080”);
        // Join the server thread to prevent exit.        server.join();    }}

This code snippet demonstrates how to programmatically start a Jetty server on port 8080 and serve web applications from a specified directory, offering flexibility for developers working with embedded server instances.

Comparative Table: Jetty vs. Traditional Web Servers

FeatureJettyTraditional Web Servers
Startup TimeFast startup times due to lightweight natureLonger startup times
Memory FootprintLower memory footprintGenerally, higher memory usage
ConfigurationSimple XML and programmatic configurationOften complex configuration files
EmbeddableEasily embeddable in Java applicationsEmbedding usually not supported
Asynchronous SupportNative support for asynchronous processingMay require additional modules
Community and SupportActive community with extensive documentationVaries widely by server
Use CaseIdeal for microservices and modular applicationsSuited for traditional, monolithic applications


Jetty offers a robust platform for developing and deploying Java-based web applications. By following this detailed guide, developers can effortlessly download, install, and start using Jetty, thus benefiting from its extensive features for scalable and asynchronous web development. Remember, the key to successful implementation lies in ensuring your system meets the prerequisites and carefully following the outlined steps for a smooth setup process.