TestNG, a powerful testing framework for Java, offers a unique feature known as group testing. This feature allows you to categorize and execute methods in specific groups, enabling sophisticated test method groupings that are not available in JUnit. By assigning methods to different groups, you can control the execution flow and create more organized test suites. In this tutorial and example guide, we will delve into the concept of group testing in TestNG, providing detailed insights, examples, and practical tips on how to effectively utilize this feature.

How to Use ‘groupd = ‘group name’ in Annotation Test

Understanding Group Testing in TestNG

Group testing in TestNG is a mechanism that enables you to organize your test methods into logical groups based on their functionalities or characteristics. By assigning one or more methods to specific groups using annotations, you can orchestrate the execution order and behavior of these methods. This level of granularity allows for targeted testing and better management of test cases within your test suite.

Implementing Group Testing in TestNG

To apply group testing in TestNG, you need to use the groups attribute within the @Test annotation. By specifying the desired group names as values for this attribute, you can associate a test method with one or more groups. This association determines when and how the method will be executed during the test run, based on the inclusion or exclusion of specific groups.

Example of Group Testing in TestNG

Let’s consider an example where we have four test methods – testingFeatureMethod1, testingFeatureMethod2, testingFeatureMethod3, and testingFeatureMethod4. These methods are categorized into two main groups: unit1 and unit2, with an additional overarching group called integration. Each method is assigned to one or more groups, allowing for flexible grouping configurations and precise control over test execution.

Test MethodGroups
testingFeatureMethod1unit1, integration
testingFeatureMethod2unit2, integration
testingFeatureMethod4unit1, unit2

By defining these group associations, you can structure your test suite in a way that reflects the dependencies and relationships between different test methods, facilitating efficient testing practices and comprehensive coverage.

Woman's hands on laptop keyboard with software code

Groups of Groups

Creating Hierarchical Group Structures

In TestNG, you have the flexibility to create hierarchical group structures by nesting groups within other groups. This approach allows you to define complex relationships between groups and subgroups, enabling you to manage and execute tests at various levels of granularity. By organizing your test methods into nested groups, you can achieve a higher degree of modularity and reusability in your test suite design.

Leveraging Inheritance in Group Testing

Another powerful aspect of group testing in TestNG is the ability to inherit group memberships from parent groups to child groups. This means that if a test method is associated with a parent group, it automatically becomes a member of all its child groups as well. This inheritance mechanism simplifies the management of group assignments and ensures consistent behavior across related test methods.


In conclusion, group testing in TestNG provides a robust framework for organizing and executing test methods in a structured manner. By leveraging the power of group annotations and hierarchical group structures, testers can create cohesive test suites that cater to diverse testing requirements and scenarios. The flexibility offered by group testing allows for fine-grained control over test execution, enabling efficient testing practices and comprehensive test coverage. Incorporating group testing practices into your TestNG projects can significantly enhance the effectiveness and reliability of your test automation efforts.