In the fast-paced realm of Java development, choosing the right version is a pivotal decision. The question frequently asked is, “Which Java version should I use?” This comprehensive guide aims to provide a detailed exploration, helping developers navigate the complex landscape of Java versions.

Understanding Java Versioning

Java’s versioning system is dynamic, with frequent updates introducing new features and optimizations. It’s essential to comprehend the release cadence, types of versions, and how they align with specific project requirements.

Factors Influencing Java Version Choice

Several factors come into play when deciding on a Java version. Project requirements, compatibility with frameworks, and the need for specific language features are critical considerations. A thoughtful analysis of these factors ensures an informed decision.

Java LTS vs. Non-LTS Versions

Distinguishing between Long-Term Support (LTS) and non-LTS versions is crucial. LTS versions offer stability and extended support, making them suitable for enterprise applications. Non-LTS versions, while providing cutting-edge features, come with a shorter support duration. Striking a balance between stability and innovation is essential.

Comparative Analysis of Notable Java Versions

Let’s delve deeper into notable Java versions and the features they brought to the programming landscape.

Java 8

Java 8, released in March 2014, marked a significant milestone in Java’s evolution. It introduced several groundbreaking features:

Lambda Expressions:

  • A major enhancement for expressing instances of single-method interfaces more concisely;
  • Stream API leverages lambda expressions for streamlined data processing operations.

Stream API:

  • Introduced a functional programming style to Java for processing sequences of elements;
  • Enables parallel processing of data, enhancing performance for multi-core processors.

Date and Time API:

  • Addressed the shortcomings of the previous java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar classes;
  • Provided a comprehensive set of classes for date and time manipulation.
  • Nashorn JavaScript Engine: Replaced the aging Rhino JavaScript engine with Nashorn, improving performance for embedded JavaScript in Java applications;
  • Default Methods in Interfaces: Allowed the addition of new methods to interfaces without breaking existing implementations.

Java 11

Released in September 2018, Java 11 continued to build on the foundation laid by its predecessors, introducing key features:

  • Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters: Extended the use of var to the lambda parameters, reducing boilerplate code and enhancing readability;
  • HTTP Client (Standard): Introduced a standardized HTTP client API to enhance flexibility and provide better support for HTTP/2 and WebSocket;
  • Flight Recorder (JFR) and Mission Control: JFR became available in the OpenJDK, offering a comprehensive set of tools for profiling, monitoring, and analyzing Java applications;
  • Dynamic Class-File Constants: Improved support for dynamic languages on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Java 14

Java 14, released in March 2020, continued Java’s tradition of innovation with several noteworthy features:

  • Pattern Matching for instanceof: Simplified the code for type-checking and casting with a more concise syntax;
  • Records: Introduced a new kind of class, records, to concisely model immutable data;
  • Automatically generated equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods;
  • Switch Expressions (Standard): Extended the switch statement to be an expression, allowing more concise code;
  • Helpful NullPointerExceptions: Improved error messages for NullPointerExceptions, aiding developers in identifying and resolving issues more efficiently.

Java 17

Java 17, released in September 2021, is a significant long-term support (LTS) version with various features and improvements. Here are some key highlights:

  • Sealed Classes (Second Preview): Sealed classes and interfaces restrict which classes or interfaces can extend or implement them. This feature enhances code maintainability and readability;
  • Pattern Matching for switch (Standard): Pattern matching for switch statements simplifies code and makes it more readable by eliminating the need for repetitive casting and variable declarations.

New macOS Rendering Pipeline:

  • Java 17 introduced a new rendering pipeline for macOS, based on Apple’s Metal framework. This enhances the graphics performance and user experience on macOS systems;
  • New macOS/AArch64 Port: The AArch64 architecture, used in Apple Silicon processors, is now officially supported on macOS;
  • Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Incubator): The Foreign Function and Memory API allows Java programs to call native code and work with native memory more efficiently. This feature continued to evolve in the Java 17 release;
  • Deprecation of Applet API: The Applet API, which was used for creating web applets, was deprecated in Java 9 and marked for removal in Java 17. This reflects the industry trend away from using Java applets in favor of other web technologies;
  • Deprecation of RMI Activation System: The Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Activation System, which was part of the RMI API, was deprecated in Java 17 and marked for removal in a future release. This reflects a move towards more modern and secure communication technologies;
  • Depreciation of Security Manager and the “rmiregistry” Tool: The Security Manager and the “rmiregistry” tool were deprecated in Java 17, signaling a shift towards more secure and contemporary security practices.

It’s important to note that Java 17 is an LTS release, meaning it receives long-term support and updates. LTS versions are generally recommended for enterprise and production use due to the extended support period.

Developers are encouraged to stay updated with the latest releases and migrate to newer LTS versions for continued support and access to new features.

Explore more features in Java versions

Best Practices for Java Version Selection

When it comes to selecting the right Java version, adopting best practices is crucial for a seamless and effective development environment. Here are key considerations and practices to guide your decision-making process:

  • Align with Project Requirements: Begin by thoroughly understanding your project’s requirements. Different versions offer varied features and improvements. If your project demands stability and long-term support, opting for an LTS version might be preferable. For projects requiring cutting-edge features and rapid innovation, considering non-LTS versions may be more suitable;
  • Evaluate Library and Framework Compatibility: Assess the compatibility of your existing libraries and frameworks with the targeted Java version. Compatibility issues can arise during version transitions, potentially disrupting your project’s functionality. Ensure that third-party components seamlessly integrate with the selected Java version to avoid potential roadblocks;
  • Consider Community Support and Adoption Rates: Community support is a vital aspect of Java development. Evaluate the active support and engagement from the Java community for a particular version. Additionally, consider the adoption rates within the industry. Versions with widespread adoption often indicate stability, community trust, and proven performance in real-world applications;
  • Plan Incremental Upgrades: If you’re contemplating a significant version jump, consider planning incremental upgrades. Gradual transitions allow your development team to adapt to new features, mitigate compatibility issues, and ensure a smoother overall migration process. This approach minimizes the potential disruptions that can accompany abrupt version changes;
  • Stay Informed about Release Cycles: Keep a close eye on the release cycles of Java versions. Oracle typically releases a new feature version every six months. Stay informed about upcoming releases, their proposed features, and any deprecations. This proactive approach enables your team to anticipate changes and plan accordingly;
  • Utilize Feature Flags and Beta Testing: Before fully committing to a new Java version in a production environment, consider utilizing feature flags and conducting beta testing. Feature flags enable selective activation of specific features, allowing gradual testing and identification of potential issues. Beta testing with a controlled user group provides valuable insights into real-world performance;
  • Engage in Continuous Learning and Training: Given the dynamic nature of Java development, continuous learning is essential. Invest in ongoing training for your development team to stay abreast of new language features, best practices, and improvements introduced in newer versions. A well-informed team is better equipped to make judicious decisions regarding Java version selection.


The selection of a Java version is a critical decision that requires careful consideration of project needs, compatibility, community support, and adoption rates. By following these best practices, you can ensure a smooth transition, minimize potential challenges, and leverage the full benefits of the chosen Java version for your development endeavors.