Welcome to the comprehensive Java Timer Tutorial, where we explore fundamental concepts and practical insights into utilizing Java timers. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting, this guide aims to provide you with the knowledge and alternatives for seamless timer implementation in Java.

Java Timer Tutorial: Exploring Properties and Events

The Timer class in Java serves as a mechanism for generating timed events. It boasts properties and events, making it applicable in JavaBeans-compatible application builders.

The core functionality involves firing an ActionEvent at a specified time. The timer can be configured to repeat, and an optional initial delay can precede the recurring events.

Java Timer Properties

The Timer class properties grant access to timer delays and the nature of event firing loops. Delays between repeated timer events and the initial delay before regular, repeating events start are dictated by the delay and initialDelay properties, respectively. 

Both properties expect values in milliseconds. If the timer is non-repeating, the initialDelay value determines when the timer fires its event. The running property indicates whether the timer is currently active. 

The coalesce property determines if the timer combines pending events into a single event. The logTimers property, when enabled, generates debugging information each time an event is processed.

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Java Timer Tutorial: Mastering Timer Events

A Timer generates an ActionEvent whenever it “goes off.” To react to a timer tick, you can listen for ActionEvents and manage listeners with addActionListener and removeActionListener methods. 

The Timer class also contains its fireActionPerformed() method to facilitate reporting events to registered listeners.

Java Timer Tutorial: Practical Control Methods

The Java Timer class provides runtime control methods:

  • `start()`: Initiates the timer, with the first event occurring after the initialDelay milliseconds. For repeating timers, subsequent events happen every delay milliseconds;
  • `restart()`: Restarts the timer by calling stop() and then start();
  •  `stop()`: Halts the timer, deleting any pending timer events.

Java Timer Tutorial: Implementing with Source Code

Explore a practical Java timer tutorial with source code examples. The provided source code demonstrates how to create a Timer object that notifies its listener at specified intervals.

Whether you are working with listeners or leveraging the For-Each loop, this tutorial equips you with the essential knowledge for efficient data manipulation.



// Java timer tutorial example source code

// An extension of the JLabel class that listens to events from a Timer object to

// update itself with the current date & time.


import java.util.Date;

import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

public class ClockLabel extends JLabel implements ActionListener {

 public ClockLabel( ) {

  super("" + new Date( ));

  Timer t = new Timer(1000, this);

  t.start( );


 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {

  setText((new Date( )).toString( ));






// Java timer tutorial example source code

// A demonstration framework for the Timer-driven ClockLabel class

import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.*;

public class ClockTest extends JFrame {

 public ClockTest( ) {

  super("Timer Demo");

  setSize(300, 100);


  ClockLabel clock = new ClockLabel( );

  getContentPane( ).add(clock, BorderLayout.NORTH);


 public static void main(String args[]) {

  ClockTest ct = new ClockTest( );






Mastering the Java Timer class is crucial for efficient data manipulation. Whether using iterators or embracing the For-Each loop, understanding these methods enhances your coding capabilities.

Choose the approach that aligns with your project’s requirements, keeping in mind best practices and potential pitfalls. Java Timer iteration becomes a seamless process when armed with the right knowledge and techniques.