Martin George, Author at Asjava Java development blog Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:16:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Martin George, Author at Asjava 32 32 Mastering TestNG: Installation to Advanced Techniques Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:16:04 +0000 TestNG® – the powerful testing framework for Java developers. Whether you’re new to testing or […]

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TestNG® – the powerful testing framework for Java developers. Whether you’re new to testing or looking for advanced techniques, this tutorial aims to give you the knowledge and skills you need to use TestNG effectively. Before we dive headfirst into the world of TestNG, let’s make sure our environment is primed and ready. We’ll walk through the prerequisites and installation process to ensure you’re all set up for success.

Once your environment is prepped, it’s time to start writing some code. We’ll explore TestNG’s annotation-based approach, making test development a breeze. Say goodbye to convoluted setups and hello to elegant, readable tests. With our tests written, it’s time to put them to the test. We’ll learn how to execute our tests using a variety of methods, from simple command-line execution to seamless integration with your favorite IDE and even leveraging Ant tasks for automation.

Armed with a solid understanding of TestNG’s capabilities, you’re now equipped to tackle testing challenges with confidence. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, TestNG empowers you to write efficient, comprehensive tests that ensure the quality and reliability of your code.

TestNG Tutorial and Example – A Comprehensive Journey

Embarking on your journey into software testing with TestNG opens doors to a world of efficient and comprehensive testing practices. Whether you’re just starting or seeking to refine your skills, understanding TestNG essentials is crucial. In this guide, we’ll walk through everything you need to know, from setting up TestNG to executing tests and exploring advanced techniques.

  • Setup and Installation: Before diving into TestNG, it’s essential to ensure your environment is set up correctly. TestNG requires JDK 5 or higher. You’ll need to download the latest TestNG release from the official website and follow the installation instructions provided. Once installed, you’ll have access to a suite of tools and libraries essential for testing Java applications;
  • Writing Your First Tests: With TestNG, writing tests becomes intuitive and straightforward. Unlike traditional testing frameworks, TestNG leverages annotations to define test methods, making the process more streamlined and readable. We’ll explore how to write simple test codes using TestNG, covering basic annotations like @Test, @BeforeMethod, and @AfterMethod;
  • Test Execution: Executing tests with TestNG is a breeze, whether through the command line, IDE integration, or build automation tools like Ant or Maven. We’ll walk through the different methods of running TestNG tests, including configuring test suites, executing tests via command-line interfaces, and integrating TestNG with popular IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse.


Ensure JDK 5 or higher is installed.

TestNG Download and Installation

Download the latest TestNG release from here and extract the zip. Key components include:

  • Testng-5.14.1.jar (essential for project setup);
  • Documentation;
  • Example codes;
  • Source codes;
  • Readme.

Start your TestNG journey with examples and documentation.

Just a Simple Test Code Using TestNG

No need to extend specific classes or enforce naming conventions. Simply use the @Test annotation.() method is invoked before test methods.

Run Test with Command

Configure TestNG using testng.xml. Run tests using:

java -ea -classpath .;testng-5.14.1.jar org.testng.TestNG testng.xml

Run TestNG Test with IDE

For IntelliJ IDEA, add unit test to TestNG configuration via Tools->Run.

Run TestNG Test with Ant

Use Ant task to run tests. Example Ant project XML provided.


Executing tests should be a joy, not a chore. With TestNG, you’ve got options galore – command line, IDE integration, you name it. 

TestNG isn’t just about the basics. We’ve taken you on a journey into the realm of advanced techniques – parameterized tests, test dependencies, and more. Armed with these tricks up your sleeve, you’ll be unstoppable

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Dive into Web Services with CXF: A Hello World Primer Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:13:24 +0000 Welcome to the world of web services development with Apache CXF! In this comprehensive guide, […]

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Welcome to the world of web services development with Apache CXF! In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on an exciting journey to explore the fundamentals of building and testing web services using the powerful Apache CXF framework. Whether you’re a seasoned developer looking to expand your skillset or a newcomer eager to delve into the realm of web services, this tutorial is designed to provide you with a step-by-step walkthrough of creating a basic “Hello World” web service using CXF.

From setting up your development environment to implementing the web service interface, deploying the service server, and validating its functionality with a client application, we’ll cover everything you need to kickstart your web services journey with confidence. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the fascinating world of Apache CXF and unleash the potential of web services development!

Apache CXF Overview

Apache CXF, an open-source Web services framework, combines the strengths of Celtix and XFire projects. It offers robust support for JAX-WS, Binding, DataBinding, and diverse transport implementations. Its adaptable architecture seamlessly integrates XML and non-XML bindings such as JSON and CORBA, making it a versatile choice for modern web service development.


Ensure JDK and CXF latest version are installed.

  1. Project Setup: Create a Java project in IDE, adding necessary CXF libraries to the classpath;
  2. Define Web Service Interface: Create “IHelloWorld” interface with a “sayHi” method annotated with @WebService;
  3. Implement Web Service: Create “HelloWorldImpl” class implementing the interface, annotated with @WebService;
  4. Web Service Server Creation: Use “JaxWsServerFactoryBean” to create server endpoints, set service class, bean, and address. Start the server;
  5. Client Setup: Create “Client” class to call the web service remotely using “JaxWsProxyFactoryBean”;
  6. Run the Client: Execute the client main method to verify the web service functionality.

Get ready to embark on an exhilarating web services adventure with Apache CXF! This guide is your passport to the thrilling world of web service development, where creativity meets coding. From setting up your development environment to unleashing your first web service into the digital wild, you’re about to dive deep into the innovative realm of Apache CXF.


By following the roadmap laid out in this tutorial, you’ve not only equipped yourself with valuable skills but also forged a sturdy foundation for future exploration and experimentation in the exhilarating world of web services development.

As you venture forth on your coding odyssey, remember that Apache CXF is a treasure trove of features and capabilities waiting to be unleashed. Don’t hesitate to dive deeper into its vast documentation, tap into the vibrant community resources, and explore additional tutorials to broaden your horizons and discover new avenues in web services development.

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TestNG Tutorial and Example – Suite Test Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:09:00 +0000 TestNG is a popular testing framework for Java applications, providing powerful features for automated testing. […]

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TestNG is a popular testing framework for Java applications, providing powerful features for automated testing. One of its key features is the ability to create test suites, which allow for the execution of multiple tests in a specific order. In this tutorial, we will explore the concept of test suites in TestNG and provide an example of how to create and run a suite.

What is a Test Suite?

A test suite is a collection of test cases that are intended to test a specific behavior or set of behaviors of a software program. It is essentially a group of related tests that are executed together. This allows for more efficient testing, as multiple tests can be run at once without the need for manual intervention.

In TestNG, a test suite is represented by an XML file, which contains the configuration for the tests to be run. This separation of suite configuration from the actual test code allows for more flexibility, as changes to the suite can be made without affecting the code base.

Creating a Test Suite in TestNG

To create a test suite in TestNG, we first need to create an XML file with the .xml extension. This file will contain the configuration for our suite, including the tests to be run and any parameters or dependencies.

Defining a Suite

The first step in creating a test suite is to define it using the <suite> tag. This tag has two attributes: name and verbose. The name attribute is used to give a name to the suite, while the verbose attribute specifies the level of logging to be displayed during the execution of the suite.

For example, we can define a suite named “Suite1” with a verbose level of 1 as follows:

<suite name="Suite1" verbose="1">



Adding Tests to the Suite

Once we have defined our suite, we can add tests to it using the <test> tag. This tag also has a name attribute, which is used to give a name to the test.

Within the <test> tag, we can specify the classes that contain the actual test code using the <classes> tag. Each class should be specified using the <class> tag with the name attribute set to the fully qualified name of the class.

For example, if we have two test classes named “tutorialSimpleTest1” and “ParameterSample”, we can add them to our suite as follows:

<test name="SimpleTest1">


        <class name="tutorialSimpleTest1"/>



<test name="SimpleTest2">


        <class name="ParameterSample"/>



Running the Suite

To run our test suite, we can use the TestNG command line tool with the -suitename option. For example, if our suite is named “Suite1”, we can run it using the following command:

java org.testng.TestNG -suitename Suite1

This will execute all the tests in the suite in the order they are defined in the XML file.

Man writing code on laptop

Example Suite – Suite1

To better understand how to create and run a test suite in TestNG, let’s take a look at an example suite – Suite1. This suite contains two tests: SimpleTest1 and SimpleTest2, each with their own set of test cases.

The complete XML configuration for this suite is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">

<suite name="Suite1" verbose="1">

    <test name="SimpleTest1">


            <class name="tutorialSimpleTest1"/>



    <test name="SimpleTest2">


            <class name="ParameterSample"/>

            <class name="ParameterTest"/>




Let’s break down this configuration and understand what each part does.

Defining the Suite

The first line of our XML file is the DOCTYPE declaration, which specifies the type of document we are creating. In this case, it is a TestNG suite.

Next, we have the <suite> tag with the name and verbose attributes set to “Suite1” and 1 respectively.

Adding Tests to the Suite

Within the <suite> tag, we have two <test> tags – one for SimpleTest1 and one for SimpleTest2. Each test has its own set of classes specified using the <classes> tag.

For SimpleTest1, we have only one class – tutorialSimpleTest1. This class contains the test cases for SimpleTest1.

For SimpleTest2, we have two classes – ParameterSample and ParameterTest. These classes contain the test cases for SimpleTest2, with ParameterTest being dependent on ParameterSample.

Running the Suite

To run this suite, we can use the TestNG command line tool as mentioned earlier. The output of running this suite would look something like this:

Suite 1

Total tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

This indicates that all four test cases in the suite were executed successfully.


In this tutorial, we have explored the concept of test suites in TestNG and provided an example of how to create and run a suite. We have seen how test suites can make automated testing more efficient, flexible, and organized. With this knowledge, you can now start creating your own test suites in TestNG and improve your testing process.

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Using SAX Parser to Read XML Files in Java Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:05:40 +0000 XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a widely-used format for storing and transmitting data. It is […]

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XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a widely-used format for storing and transmitting data. It is commonly used in web development, as well as in other industries such as finance and healthcare. In order to access and manipulate XML data, developers use parsers, which are software components that read and interpret the XML code. One of the most popular and efficient parsers for Java is the Simple API for XML (SAX). In this tutorial, we will discuss how to use the SAX parser to read XML files in Java.


Before we dive into the details of using the SAX parser, there are a few prerequisites that you need to have in place. First and foremost, you will need to have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system. The JDK includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which is necessary for running Java applications. Additionally, you will need a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE) such as Eclipse or NetBeans to write and run your Java code.

Giving the following XML document

In order to demonstrate how to read XML files using the SAX parser, we will be using a sample XML document. You can either create your own XML file or use the one provided below: 


        2 weeks


        4 weeks


        2 weeks

Save this XML document to your local disk for later use.

How to Read XML file via SAX Parser in Java?

Now that we have our prerequisites in place and a sample XML document to work with, let’s dive into the steps for reading XML files using the SAX parser in Java.

Step 1: Create a class that extends DefaultHandler

The first step is to create a Java class that extends the DefaultHandler class. This class provides default implementations for all the methods defined in the ContentHandler, DTDHandler, EntityResolver, and ErrorHandler interfaces. These methods are used by the SAX parser to handle different types of events that occur while parsing an XML document.

Step 2: Override the necessary methods

There are five methods defined in the DefaultHandler class that you may need to override in order to handle specific events during the parsing process. These methods are:

  1. startDocument(): This method is called at the beginning of the parsing process;
  2. endDocument(): This method is called at the end of the parsing process;
  3. startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes): This method is called when the parser encounters the start of an element in the XML document;
  4. endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName): This method is called when the parser encounters the end of an element in the XML document;
  5. characters(char[] ch, int start, int length): This method is called when the parser encounters character data within an element.

You can override these methods in your class to perform custom actions based on the events that occur during the parsing process.

Step 3: Create the corresponding Java bean

In order to store the data from the XML document, we need to create a Java bean that represents the structure of the XML elements. In our example, we will create a Phase class with attributes for the phase ID, name, and duration.

Step 4: The code to Read XML file via SAX Parser in Java

Now that we have our class and bean set up, we can write the code to read the XML document using the SAX parser. The following code snippet shows how this can be done:

// Create an instance of the SAXParserFactory

SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();

// Create an instance of the SAXParser

SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();

// Create an instance of your custom handler class

CustomHandler handler = new CustomHandler();

// Parse the XML document using the handler

saxParser.parse(“path/to/xml/file”, handler);

// Get the list of phases from the handler

List phases = handler.getPhases();

In this code, we first create an instance of the SAXParserFactory class, which is responsible for creating instances of the SAXParser class. We then use the SAXParser to parse the XML document, passing in the path to the file and an instance of our custom handler class. Finally, we can retrieve the list of phases from the handler and use them as needed.

Animated people studying code on a laptop

Output after parsing XML via SAX

After running the code above, we should have a list of Phase objects containing the data from our XML document. We can then use this data to perform any necessary operations or display it in a user interface. For example, we could print out the names and durations of each phase in the list:

for (Phase phase : phases) {

    System.out.println(phase.getName() + ": " + phase.getDuration());


This would produce the following output:

Planning: 2 weeks

Development: 4 weeks

Testing: 2 weeks


In this tutorial, we have discussed how to read XML files using the SAX parser in Java. We first covered the prerequisites for using the SAX parser, including having the JDK and a text editor or IDE installed. We then provided a sample XML document for testing purposes. Next, we went through the steps for reading XML files using the SAX parser, which involved creating a custom handler class, overriding necessary methods, and creating a corresponding Java bean. Finally, we showed how to retrieve and use the data from the XML document after parsing it with the SAX parser. With this knowledge, you should now be able to efficiently read and manipulate XML data in your Java applications.

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Sorting a Map by Key in Java Programming Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:02:40 +0000 Sorting a map by key is a common task in Java programming. A map is […]

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Sorting a map by key is a common task in Java programming. A map is a data structure that stores key-value pairs, and it is often used to represent relationships between different objects. However, the elements in a map are not stored in any particular order, which can make it difficult to retrieve them in a specific sequence. In this article, we will explore different ways to sort a map by its keys in Java.

What are Maps in Java?

Before we dive into sorting a map by key, let’s first understand what maps are and how they work in Java. A map is an interface defined in the Java Development Kit (JDK), and it represents a collection of key-value pairs. It is part of the java.util package and is implemented by various classes such as HashMap, TreeMap, and LinkedHashMap.

A map allows you to store and retrieve values based on their corresponding keys. This makes it useful for representing relationships between different objects, where each object has a unique identifier or key. For example, you could use a map to store student names and their corresponding grades, with the student names being the keys and the grades being the values.

Types of Maps in Java

As mentioned earlier, there are several implementations of the Map interface in Java. Each implementation has its own unique characteristics and is suitable for different use cases. Let’s take a brief look at some of the commonly used map implementations in Java:

  • HashMap: This is the most commonly used map implementation in Java. It uses a hash table to store the key-value pairs, which allows for fast retrieval of values based on their keys. However, the elements in a HashMap are not stored in any particular order;
  • TreeMap: This implementation uses a red-black tree data structure to store the key-value pairs. Unlike HashMap, the elements in a TreeMap are sorted according to their keys. This makes it useful for scenarios where you need to retrieve the elements in a specific order.

Apart from these main implementations, there are also other specialized map implementations such as IdentityHashMap, RenderingHints, WeakHashMap, and more. Each of these implementations has its own unique characteristics and is suitable for specific use cases.

Programmer typing on keyboard in front of computer screens

Sorting a Map by Key in Java

Now that we have a basic understanding of maps in Java, let’s explore different ways to sort a map by its keys. We will use the following map as an example throughout this article:

Map grades = new HashMap();

grades.put("John", 85);

grades.put("Mary", 92);

grades.put("Bob", 78);

grades.put("Alice", 90);

Using HashMap to Sort a Map by Key

The first approach we will look at is using the HashMap class to sort a map by key. As mentioned earlier, HashMap does not guarantee any particular order for its elements. However, we can use the keySet() method to get a set of all the keys in the map and then sort them using the Arrays.sort() method. Let’s see how this works in code:

Object[] keys = grades.keySet().toArray();


for (Object key : keys) {

    System.out.println(key + ": " + grades.get(key));


In the above code, we first convert the set of keys into an array using the toArray() method. Then, we use the Arrays.sort() method to sort the keys in ascending order. Finally, we iterate over the sorted keys and print out the corresponding values from the map.

Using TreeMap to Sort a Map by Key

The second approach we will look at is using the TreeMap class to sort a map by key. Unlike HashMap, TreeMap maintains its elements in sorted order according to their keys. This makes it an ideal choice for sorting a map by key. Let’s see how this works in code:

TreeSet keys = new TreeSet(grades.keySet());

for (String key : keys) {

    System.out.println(key + ": " + grades.get(key));



Sorting a map by key is a common task in Java programming. In this article, we explored different ways to achieve this, including using HashMap, TreeMap, and generic types. Each approach has its own advantages and is suitable for different use cases. It is important to understand the characteristics of each map implementation in order to choose the most appropriate one for your specific needs.

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Using JoptionPane Showinputdialog with Password in Java Thu, 21 Mar 2024 13:59:40 +0000 JoptionPane is a class in the Swing library of Java that provides a set of […]

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JoptionPane is a class in the Swing library of Java that provides a set of pre-built dialog boxes for user input and output. These dialog boxes are commonly used in graphical user interface (GUI) applications to prompt the user for information or display messages. One of the most commonly used dialog boxes is the Showinputdialog, which allows the user to enter text into a text field. However, in some cases, we may need to ask for sensitive information such as passwords. In this article, we will explore how to use JoptionPane Showinputdialog with password and its implementation in Java.

Understanding JoptionPane Showinputdialog

Before diving into the implementation, let’s first understand how JoptionPane Showinputdialog works. The basic syntax for creating a Showinputdialog is as follows:

JOptionPane.showInputDialog(parentComponent, message);

Here, parentComponent refers to the parent component of the dialog box, and message is the message displayed to the user. This method returns a string value entered by the user. However, in our case, we need to ask for both a username and password. To achieve this, we can use the following syntax:

JOptionPane.showInputDialog(parentComponent, message, title, messageType);

Here, title refers to the title of the dialog box, and messageType specifies the type of message to be displayed. We can also customize the buttons displayed in the dialog box using the optionType parameter. Now, let’s see how we can add a password field to this dialog box.

Adding a Password Field to JoptionPane Showinputdialog

To add a password field to the Showinputdialog, we need to use the JPasswordField class, which is a subclass of JTextField specifically designed for password input. The basic syntax for creating a password field is as follows:

JPasswordField passwordField = new JPasswordField();

To add this password field to our Showinputdialog, we can use the add() method of the JOptionPane class. Let’s take a look at an example:

JLabel jUserName = new JLabel("User Name");

JTextField userName = new JTextField();

JLabel jPassword = new JLabel("Password");

JPasswordField password = new JPasswordField();

Object[] ob = ;

int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, ob, "Please enter your credentials", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION);

if (result == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {

    String userNameValue = userName.getText();

    String passwordValue = password.getText();

    // Here is some validation code


In this example, we have created two labels, one for the username and one for the password, along with their corresponding text fields. Then, we have added these components to an object array and passed it to the showConfirmDialog() method. This method displays the dialog box with an OK and Cancel button and returns the user’s choice as an integer value. If the user clicks on the OK button, we can retrieve the values entered in the text fields using the getText() method.

IT specialist checking code at computer in the dark office at night

Implementing JoptionPane Showinputdialog With Password

Now that we have a basic understanding of how JoptionPane Showinputdialog works, let’s see how we can implement it in our Java code. We will create a simple login form that asks for a username and password and validates them against a predefined set of credentials.

Creating the GUI

First, we need to create a GUI for our login form. We will use the JFrame class to create a window and add the necessary components to it. Here’s the code for our GUI:

import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.*;

public class LoginGUI extends JFrame {

    private JLabel jUserName;

    private JTextField userName;

    private JLabel jPassword;

    private JPasswordField password;

    private JButton loginButton;

    public LoginGUI() {

        setTitle("Login Form");

        setSize(400, 200);



        // Create components

        jUserName = new JLabel("User Name");

        userName = new JTextField();

        jPassword = new JLabel("Password");

        password = new JPasswordField();

        loginButton = new JButton("Login");

        // Add components to the frame

        setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));








    public static void main(String[] args) {

        new LoginGUI();



In this code, we have created a JFrame object and added four components to it – two labels, two text fields, and a button. We have also set the layout of the frame to a grid layout with three rows and two columns. This will ensure that our components are displayed in an organized manner.

Adding Functionality to the Login Button

Next, we need to add functionality to our login button. When the user clicks on the button, we want to validate the username and password entered by the user. If they match our predefined credentials, we will display a success message; otherwise, we will display an error message. Here’s the code for our button’s action listener:

loginButton.addActionListener(e -> {

    String userNameValue = userName.getText();

    String passwordValue = password.getText();

    if (userNameValue.equals("admin") && passwordValue.equals("password")) {

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Login successful!");

    } else {

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid credentials. Please try again.");



In this code, we have retrieved the values entered in the text fields and compared them with our predefined credentials. If they match, we display a success message using the showMessageDialog() method. Otherwise, we display an error message.

Animated man writes code on a laptop

Creating a Register Dialog

Apart from a login form, we may also need to create a register form where users can sign up for our application. Let’s see how we can use JoptionPane Showinputdialog to create a register dialog.

Adding Components to the Dialog Box

First, we need to add the necessary components to our dialog box. We will use the same approach as before, but this time, we will add a password field instead of a text field. Here’s the code:

JLabel jFirstName = new JLabel("First Name");

JTextField firstName = new JTextField();

JLabel jLastName = new JLabel("Last Name");

JTextField lastName = new JTextField();

JLabel jEmail = new JLabel("Email");

JTextField email = new JTextField();

JLabel jPassword = new JLabel("Password");

JPasswordField password = new JPasswordField();

Object[] ob = ;

Validating User Input

Next, we need to validate the user input before registering them. We will check if all the fields are filled and if the email is in a valid format. We will also check if the password meets our criteria (at least 8 characters long and contains at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number). Here’s the code for our validation:

if (firstName.getText().isEmpty() || lastName.getText().isEmpty() || email.getText().isEmpty() || password.getPassword().length == 0) {

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please fill in all the fields.");

} else if (!email.getText().matches("[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]")) {

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter a valid email address.");

} else if (password.getPassword().length < 8 || !password.getText().matches(".*[A-Z].*") || !password.getText().matches(".*[a-z].*") || !password.getText().matches(".*[0-9].*")) {

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.");

} else {

    // Register user


In this code, we have used regular expressions to validate the email format and checked the password against our criteria. If any of the validations fail, we display an error message using the showMessageDialog() method.


In this article, we have explored how to use JoptionPane Showinputdialog with password in Java. We have seen how to add a password field to the dialog box and how to retrieve the values entered by the user. We have also implemented a simple login form and a register form using this dialog box. By now, you should have a good understanding of how JoptionPane Showinputdialog works and how you can use it in your own projects. 

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Group Testing in TestNG: A Comprehensive Guide Thu, 21 Mar 2024 13:54:30 +0000 TestNG, a powerful testing framework for Java, offers a unique feature known as group testing. […]

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TestNG, a powerful testing framework for Java, offers a unique feature known as group testing. This feature allows you to categorize and execute methods in specific groups, enabling sophisticated test method groupings that are not available in JUnit. By assigning methods to different groups, you can control the execution flow and create more organized test suites. In this tutorial and example guide, we will delve into the concept of group testing in TestNG, providing detailed insights, examples, and practical tips on how to effectively utilize this feature.

How to Use ‘groupd = ‘group name’ in Annotation Test

Understanding Group Testing in TestNG

Group testing in TestNG is a mechanism that enables you to organize your test methods into logical groups based on their functionalities or characteristics. By assigning one or more methods to specific groups using annotations, you can orchestrate the execution order and behavior of these methods. This level of granularity allows for targeted testing and better management of test cases within your test suite.

Implementing Group Testing in TestNG

To apply group testing in TestNG, you need to use the groups attribute within the @Test annotation. By specifying the desired group names as values for this attribute, you can associate a test method with one or more groups. This association determines when and how the method will be executed during the test run, based on the inclusion or exclusion of specific groups.

Example of Group Testing in TestNG

Let’s consider an example where we have four test methods – testingFeatureMethod1, testingFeatureMethod2, testingFeatureMethod3, and testingFeatureMethod4. These methods are categorized into two main groups: unit1 and unit2, with an additional overarching group called integration. Each method is assigned to one or more groups, allowing for flexible grouping configurations and precise control over test execution.

Test MethodGroups
testingFeatureMethod1unit1, integration
testingFeatureMethod2unit2, integration
testingFeatureMethod4unit1, unit2

By defining these group associations, you can structure your test suite in a way that reflects the dependencies and relationships between different test methods, facilitating efficient testing practices and comprehensive coverage.

Woman's hands on laptop keyboard with software code

Groups of Groups

Creating Hierarchical Group Structures

In TestNG, you have the flexibility to create hierarchical group structures by nesting groups within other groups. This approach allows you to define complex relationships between groups and subgroups, enabling you to manage and execute tests at various levels of granularity. By organizing your test methods into nested groups, you can achieve a higher degree of modularity and reusability in your test suite design.

Leveraging Inheritance in Group Testing

Another powerful aspect of group testing in TestNG is the ability to inherit group memberships from parent groups to child groups. This means that if a test method is associated with a parent group, it automatically becomes a member of all its child groups as well. This inheritance mechanism simplifies the management of group assignments and ensures consistent behavior across related test methods.


In conclusion, group testing in TestNG provides a robust framework for organizing and executing test methods in a structured manner. By leveraging the power of group annotations and hierarchical group structures, testers can create cohesive test suites that cater to diverse testing requirements and scenarios. The flexibility offered by group testing allows for fine-grained control over test execution, enabling efficient testing practices and comprehensive test coverage. Incorporating group testing practices into your TestNG projects can significantly enhance the effectiveness and reliability of your test automation efforts.

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Navigating Directory Creation with Ant Thu, 21 Mar 2024 13:51:10 +0000 Apache Ant offers a streamlined approach for automating build processes, one of which includes the […]

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Apache Ant offers a streamlined approach for automating build processes, one of which includes the capability to create directory structures within a project. Utilizing the mkdir task, developers can effortlessly generate directories, ensuring that even non-existent parent directories are established in the process.

Basic Directory Creation

The mkdir task in Ant simplifies the directory creation process, allowing for the instantaneous generation of directories and their parent structures if absent. The operation is idempotent, meaning it refrains from performing any action if the specified directory already exists.

Example 1: Creating a Single Directory

<mkdir dir=”c:/asjava”/>

This command constructs the asjava directory on drive C.

Example 2: Creating Nested Directories

<mkdir dir=”C:/asjava/lib”/>

Here, both the asjava directory and its subdirectory lib are created, showcasing the task’s ability to handle multiple levels of directory structures. The dir attribute is essential, denoting the target directory path.

Conditional Directory Creation

Ant facilitates conditional directory creation through a combination of the available task and conditional targets. This method checks for the directory’s existence before attempting creation, ensuring efficiency and precision.

<!– Check for directory existence –><target name=”check-dir”>  <available property=”no.asjava.dir” file=”c:/asjava” type=”dir”/></target>
<!– Create directory if it doesn’t exist –><target name=”create-asjava-dir” depends=”check-dir” unless=”no.asjava.dir”>  <mkdir dir=”no.asjava.dir”/></target>

Utilizing the available task, this approach verifies the presence of the asjava directory. If absent, the directory is then created, exemplifying Ant’s capacity for intelligent build scripting.

Handling Creation Failures

Occasionally, directory creation may falter due to various factors such as insufficient privileges. Ant’s mkdir task accommodates a failonerror attribute to manage these situations gracefully.

<mkdir dir=”C:/asjava/lib” failonerror=”false”/>

Setting failonerror to false instructs Ant to continue the build process despite any errors encountered during the directory creation phase, offering robustness and flexibility in handling potential obstacles.

Comparative Table: Directory Creation Techniques in Ant

FeatureStandard Directory CreationConditional Directory CreationFailure-Resilient Directory Creation
MethodDirect use of mkdirUse of available and conditional tasksmkdir with failonerror set to false
Parent Directory Auto-CreationYesYesYes
Error HandlingStops on errorStops on error unless configured otherwiseContinues despite errors
Use CaseSimple directory creationCreates directories only if they don’t existSuitable for environments with potential permission issues

This table highlights the different strategies for creating directories in Ant, from straightforward creation to more nuanced approaches that account for conditional logic and error handling, showcasing Ant’s flexibility in build management and resource organization.


Apache Ant’s directory creation capabilities streamline the development process, offering both straightforward and conditional directory generation methods along with effective error management strategies. Through the utilization of Ant’s mkdir task, developers can enhance their build automation scripts, ensuring efficient and error-resilient directory management within their projects.

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Retrieve Java’s User App Data Directory Easily Thu, 21 Mar 2024 13:48:36 +0000 In the expansive realm of Java programming, grasping the nuances of traversing the file system […]

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In the expansive realm of Java programming, grasping the nuances of traversing the file system is indispensable for crafting resilient applications. A prevalent hurdle confronted by developers revolves around pinpointing the precise directory housing user-specific application data. Whether it pertains to preferences, configurations, or any other relevant data, accessing this repository holds paramount importance for effective data governance and tailoring application behavior to individual needs.

This piece delves into the array of methods and strategies available to Java developers for seamlessly accessing the user application data directory. By illuminating diverse approaches and offering in-depth insights, our objective is to furnish developers with the expertise required to streamline their development workflow and augment user satisfaction.

Mastering Java: How to Access the User Application Data Directory

Java programmers often find themselves in situations where they need to access the user application data directory. This could be to store or retrieve temporary or cached data. The file path for this data is determined by the specific operating system being used.

Accessing Data Directory in Windows Environment

The path for the data directory differs slightly across Windows versions.

Windows XP or 2003:

The file path is typically found in: C:\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Local Settings\Application Data

Windows Vista:

The file path commonly appears in: C:\Users\$USER$\AppData\Roaming

In these paths, $USER$ is a placeholder. It represents the currently logged-in user’s name on the computer.

Understanding the Nature of this Directory

The user application data directory is a special folder in the Windows environment. Some distinct features of this directory include:

  • A Hidden Status: By default, this directory is set to a hidden status. It’s not readily visible when navigating through the file explorer;
  • User-Specific: The directory is specific to the logged-in user. Each user on a system has their own separate application data directory.

Navigating Hidden Directories

Since the application data directory is often set to be hidden, some additional steps might be needed to navigate to it. Here are some tips:

  • Changing Folder Settings: The visibility of hidden folders can be changed in the folder settings;
  • Using the Command Line: This directory can be accessed with specific commands in the command line interface.

Key Takeaways

When working with Java, understanding how to access the user application data directory is critical. This is especially true when the task at hand involves working with temporary or cached data. By familiarizing themselves with the file paths and the nature of this special directory, Java programmers can navigate the Windows environment more effectively.

Fetching User Application Data Directory in Java: Detailed Exploration

Java applications often require access to the user application data directory for storing or retrieving temporary or cached data throughout their execution. The path to this directory varies based on the operating system and user environment. In the case of Windows XP, 2003, and Vista, the paths are as follows:

Windows XP or 2003:

The path generally takes the following form: C:\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Local Settings\Application Data

Windows Vista:

The usual path for this version of Windows is: C:\Users\$USER$\AppData\Roaming

Here, $USER$ refers to the currently logged-in user’s name on the computer. This is a dynamic variable, changing depending on who is using the machine.

This directory, often known as the ‘AppData’ directory, isn’t your average folder in the Windows environment. It’s a very special place with some notable characteristics:

  • Unique to the User: Each user on a system has their own separate AppData directory. This means that the $USER$ segment of the path will differ from user to user;
  • Hidden by Default: The AppData directory is not immediately visible when browsing files via the file explorer as it’s usually hidden. This can be handled by adjusting folder viewing parameters or using the command line to navigate.

Java Solutions for Accessing User AppData Directory

Now that we understand where and what the Application Data directory is, let’s see how Java can be used to interact with it.

  1. Retrieve User Application Data Directory Path

Java’s built-in System class offers the getProperty method to fetch system properties. To target the AppData directory, it can be used as follows:

String dataFolder = System.getProperty("user.home") + "\\Local Settings\\Application Data";

This code fetches the path of the home directory of the current user (through “user.home”) and appends the specific path to the Application Data directory to it.

  1. Get the Directory as a File

If your Java application requires a File object representation of the directory, it can be obtained as below:

File appData = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "\\Local Settings\\Application Data ");

This uses the File constructor that creates a file object by converting the given pathname string into an abstract pathname.

  1. A Simpler Way

For a more straightforward approach, use the system environment variable APPDATA:

String dataFolder = System.getenv("APPDATA");

This line retrieves the value of the APPDATA environment variable, which directly points to the Application Data directory of the current user.

By using one of these methods, Java developers can simplify their interaction with the user application data directory, making data storage and retrieval tasks more streamlined.


In conclusion, mastering the intricacies of file system navigation in Java is fundamental for the development of robust applications. Throughout this exploration, we have uncovered various techniques and methodologies for effortlessly retrieving the user application data directory. By equipping developers with these insights, we empower them to streamline their development processes and enrich the user experience. With a deeper understanding of file system navigation, Java developers can navigate the landscape with confidence, ensuring efficient data management and customizable application behavior.

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Unlocking the Potential of JOptionPane in Java Swing Thu, 21 Mar 2024 13:46:24 +0000 JOptionPane stands tall as an indispensable tool for crafting intuitive and interactive dialog boxes. Whether […]

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JOptionPane stands tall as an indispensable tool for crafting intuitive and interactive dialog boxes. Whether soliciting user input, presenting vital messages, or confirming critical actions, JOptionPane simplifies the process with its versatile functionality. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey to unlock the full potential of JOptionPane, exploring its myriad methods and providing real-world examples to empower Java developers in creating seamless graphical user interfaces (GUIs).

JOptionPane: Unveiling the Depths of Java Swing Dialogs

JOptionPane, a cornerstone of Java Swing, simplifies dialog creation for user input/output. Explore its methods and examples.

  1. Show Confirm Dialog: Present a confirmation dialog with options: yes, no, or cancel.


int returnType = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Choose any button");
  1. Show Input Dialog: Display an input dialog for user input with OK/Cancel.


String userInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please input any value to continue");
  1. Show Message Dialog:

Exhibit a message dialog for user viewing.


JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Choose any button");
  1. Show Option Dialog: Unify confirm, input, and message dialogs. All dialogs are modal, blocking input to other windows until interaction is complete. Instantiate JOptionPane via constructor and use createDialog() or createInternalFrame() for customization. Explore comprehensive examples for JOptionPane integration in Java Swing:


public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test Frame"); frame.setSize(new Dimension(200, 200)); JButton button = new JButton("Submit"); button.setSize(new Dimension(100, 60)); button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String title = "Are you want to quit this window?"; if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, title) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { System.exit(0); } } }); frame.add(button, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.setVisible(true); }


From confirming user actions to gathering essential input and conveying crucial messages, JOptionPane proves to be an invaluable asset in the Java Swing developer’s toolkit. Armed with a deeper understanding of its methods and functionality, developers can elevate their GUI experiences, delivering intuitive and user-friendly applications with ease. With JOptionPane as a guiding beacon, the path to crafting compelling Java Swing interfaces becomes clearer, paving the way for enhanced user interaction and satisfaction.

The post Unlocking the Potential of JOptionPane in Java Swing appeared first on Asjava.
