Tomcat Archives - Asjava Java development blog Tue, 05 Mar 2024 14:18:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tomcat Archives - Asjava 32 32 How to deploy an application in Tomcat Tue, 05 Mar 2024 14:18:29 +0000 We live in a modern age where almost anything can be done with technology. Whether you want to manage your account, pay your bill, or even find a way to make money online, you can do it all with the help of the internet.

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We live in a modern age where almost anything can be done with technology. Whether you want to manage your account, pay your bill, or even find a way to make money online, you can do it all with the help of the internet.

And one of the most common technologies that can help you achieve everything you want is app development.

However, before you start your journey into application development, you must have a clear understanding of how Tomcat and web applications are deployed. This article explains exactly how you can deploy a server-side application in Tomcat.

What is Tomcat?

Tomcat is one of the most popular Java web server programs. Many companies rely on it to host their web applications, and deploying an application in Tomcat requires quite a bit of technical knowledge.

However, if you are a beginner and want to learn how to deploy an application in Tomcat, you have come to the right place.

Deploying an application in Tomcat can be tricky – it involves several steps and even requires some experience to get it right. But when you’re done, you’ll have the power of Tomcat.

We have written this guide to help you get Tomcat up and running! This guide will show you how to deploy an application to Tomcat.

Follow these steps:

Open the Services Tool window

To deploy your application to Tomcat, you first need to open the Services tool window. This window allows you to manage the installed services on your computer.

Open the Services tool by going to Start > All Programs > Standard > System Tools > Services and Programs.

The Services tool window is divided into three sections.

Services: This section lists all the services that are currently installed on your computer.

Applications: This section lists all the applications that are currently installed on your computer.

Installed components: This section lists all the components that are currently installed on your computer.

Right-click the Services and Programs icon to open the Services tool window and select Open Services Window.

Select Image

Select to get an image of the Tomcat server: Tomcat from the Docker connection node in the Images section. Ctrl+Enter is the shortcut for this.

Too many people skip this step and try to run the Tomcat server on a Windows host.

You will also need to download the Tomcat JDK. You can download it here.

Click Create Container

Create another container by selecting Create Container from the Tomcat: Last Image context menu. In general, this will create a new container for you.

select the container you just created:

Create a new file and save it in the /opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/index.html directory.

Create a Docker configuration

In the Tomcat Configuration dialog box, enter the following information:

Select an available host from the list
IP address
Enter the IP address of your host
Enter the DNS name of your host
Enter the port you want to use for the container
Select the user you want to use to run the container
Enter the password for the user
Enter a name for the container
Configure Tomcat

Run the Compiled Java Servlet:

This is the servlet that does all the work of deploying your application.

The servlet is named after the application in our example. The name of the servlet does not matter, but it must be unique.

To start the Java servlet, go to the web application directory and run the following command:

java -jar app.jar

If you get the error “Unable to access security policy file”, you need to add a username and password to the tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml file. You can do this by adding the following code to tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml:

If you see the error “No web.xml found in classpath”, you need to add the web.xml file to the web application directory.

This way, you can easily deploy the application in Tomcat. How to deploy a program in Tomcat is a common question. And it doesn’t take much time to figure it out if you are careful.

But there are a few things you need to know before you try to deploy an application. And if you don’t, you could end up doing more harm than good.

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Tomcat components Tue, 05 Mar 2024 14:13:02 +0000 Tomcat is an open-source servlet container that also serves as a web server. At first glance, Tomcat seems to be a rather complicated topic, but it is not.

The post Tomcat components appeared first on Asjava.

Tomcat is an open-source servlet container that also serves as a web server. At first glance, Tomcat seems to be a rather complicated topic, but it is not. Most Java programs run at the command line and perform some actions. Such programs implement one predefined function and then are no longer executed. Such programs usually have a main method that can be used to run them. A web program is designed to interact with a client. If there is a request from the client, it is processed and a response is sent to the user. If not, the program is idle. How to implement such logic in a standard application, given that you need to maintain sessions, accept HTTP requests, and so on? A while-true loop? No, you need a reliable solution. Tomcat exists for this purpose. In fact, it is a Java application that takes care of opening a port for interaction with the client, setting up sessions, the number of requests, the length of the header, and many other operations.

Tomcat has components that perform specific functions, and it’s worth knowing about them. Let’s take a closer look at them.


This component allows developers to deploy their applications in a container. Catalina implements the Servlet API specification, the main web technology in Java web programming. In fact, Catalina is a servlet container inside Tomcat.


Thanks to this component, the programmer uses JSP technology. These are like HTML files, but they have embedded Java code that can be executed when the page is sent to the user. This allows you to dynamically embed any data into the page. Jasper converts Java code to HTML, and also monitors changes and updates them automatically.


This is an important component that listens to HTTP requests from the client on a specific port, provides this data for processing in the application, and returns responses to users. That is, Coyote implements the functionality of an HTTP server.

Installing Tomcat

To use Tomcat in Java, you need to install it on your system. You can read about how to install Tomcat in this article, which also covers other application servers. So, with Tomcat running and built into IDEA, you can try to build your first servlet.

The post Tomcat components appeared first on Asjava.

Apache Tomcat Sun, 03 Mar 2024 14:06:34 +0000 Apache Tomcat is a modern application server that enables the operation of projects in the Java language.

The post Apache Tomcat appeared first on Asjava.

Apache Tomcat is a modern application server that enables the operation of projects in the Java language.

Tomcat is a separate web server that provides both the dynamic part of the site and static files (images, etc.).

To optimize access, a front proxy server is often installed in front of Tomcat. Tomcat itself is written in Java, is resource-intensive, and it is advisable to relieve it of the load when working with slow end clients.

Apache Tomcat support on

Our hosting offers you the opportunity to work comfortably with Apache Tomcat. We support several versions, from the 6th to the latest, details with a list of versions can be found in your personal account, “full list of functions”, “Hosting HTTP services”.

Your own instance of Tomcat is placed in your home directory, after which you can edit any server configuration files, install modules, as well as stop and start it using the /init.d/tomcat- script.

Requests from end clients are accepted by Apache, which then sends them to your Tomcat.

How to use and terms of use

Apache Tomcat is a resource-intensive platform. A simple test site on Tomcat will work on any tariff plan with the minimum option “memory for Ruby/Tomcat/…” (for old tariffs – Basic and higher).

When hosting a full-fledged software under real load, you need to be prepared for the fact that the site load or the memory occupied by the Tomcat server will exceed the limit of this tariff, in which case you will need to increase the tariff.

You can convert any existing website into a Tomcat resource. This can be done through your personal account, “Full list of functions”, “Hosting HTTP services”.

The post Apache Tomcat appeared first on Asjava.
